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Overcoming Integration Deficit

Transform disconnected systems into synchronized intelligence to elevate efficiency, reduce errors, drive growth and adoption through seamless integration.

Enterprises continue to struggle with navigating and enabling various technologies into the SAP ecosystem

Complex Landscape

The SAP system is a vast and intricate various technologies, modules, and integrations.

Dependency on Integration Service Providers

The SAP ecosystem might have dependencies on third-party vendors or consultants, leading to potential bottlenecks and increased costs.

Legacy Systems

Enterprises using SAP might be operating with older modules and configurations, which can pose challenges for modern integrations.

Lack of Standardization

The SAP ecosystem does not have a uniform approach, with different modules catering to diverse business needs.

Rev Connect offers fully-managed services and cost-effective native connectors with SAP for seamless integration and improved efficiency.


Accelerated Discovery

Using our methodology, we swiftly help clients define detailed SAP integration use cases, optimizing value delivery.

Swift Native Connector Configuration

Prebuilt Task templates accelerate the configuration of integrated solutions, enabling quicker deployments.

Customized User Experience

Our labs provide the required infrastructure, licenses, and test data to develop and test complex SAP integrations, enhancing the customer experience beyond standard connectors.

Open API Approach

Our non-proprietary APIs ensure flexibility and reusability across your digital landscape for seamless integration.

Case Study
High Growth Conversational AI SAAS company in US

The Challenge

Enterprise Growth Challenge: Our client sought to enter the enterprise market, secure larger deals, and attract globally recognized clients, but faced challenges in achieving this expansion.

Integration Challenge: Our client aimed to automate CFO and CIO office processes with scalable SAP integration but struggled to provide easy and seamless connections.

SAP Expertise Challenge: Lacking SAP expertise and access, our client needed a partner to understand use cases and build scalable, secure connectors quickly.

The Solution

Value Discovery

Leveraging our best practices and industry knowledge we defined use cases and scope.

Scalable Connectors

Using our industry templates, development labs, and best practices framework we delivered scalable, seamless SAP connectors.

Training and Access

Trained client's team for self-sufficiency.

Monetization Assistance

Helped monetize the connectors to generate additional revenue.

The Result

Enhanced Use Cases and Reach

Built tight integration with ECC and S4 Hana in just 6 months, delivering fully scalable, secure, and tightly integrated connectors.

Built Enterprise Client Pipeline

Helped the client build a pipeline of 10+ large enterprise clients by demonstrating the value of SAP integration.

Brand Reputation

Our solutions helped improve the client's brand reputation in the enterprise market.

Reduced capital spent

Spent on customer retention and acquisition.
Large enterprises will use at least one startup solution by 2025*
Fortune 100 companies use SAP**
808080 Bil.$
SAP expected TAM by 2025


** Source=Thomson Data


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Dallas, TX


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